The links below include historical and other information about Galup / Lake Monger. The information is not created or maintained by the Friends, but may be of interest.
Are there turtles at Galup / Lake monger? Yes. There are three breeding groups – one near the community shed, one by the freeway and one near the swales. All these groups also have different nesting grounds. One of these is past Bold Park School where the females and then the hatchlings have to cross lawn and car parks. All hatchlings have to survive incubation then survive their enormous trek to the lake while avoiding birds, foxes, cars and lawn mowers. Generally 11am and 1pm are the best time for seeing them. Turtles are also being eaten by carp in the lake!
The SOSNT project The Town of Cambridge is encouraging our involvement in the Saving Our Snake-Necked Turtle (SOSNT) project. The SOSNT project includes the use of the TurtleSat App that can be used to record turtle sightings. For those that wish to get involved, please record any sightings (alive or dead) on TurtleSAT. The Citizen Science data will help the Town of Cambridge determine where turtles are active, helping them design appropriate management strategies.
The link to download the mobile app is accessible from there, the App store or Google Play. There are some issues with newer phones but people can still log in to TurtleSAT using the web browser on their phone instead of the App.
The Town may expand it’s involvement in the SOSNT program next year (24/25) but for now they are just encouraging people to record ad hoc sightings.