On the second Sunday of each month the Friends has a busy bee at the lake. Typical activities include weeding, rubbish collection and planting. So come along and join us. Volunteers should wear sturdy shoes, long pants and sleeves. Please bring appropriate sun protection and gloves. Please sign on at the start of the morning. Busy bees generally start at 9am and last about 90 minutes.
Upcoming Events
Sunday February 9th - morning Busy Bee Please note: There will be no January 2025 Busy Bee.
Management Plan & Master Plan and name change to Galup The Town of Cambridge has developed a Lake Monger (Galup) Management Plan 2024-2034 and Lake Monger (Galup) Master Plan 2024-2034 to help direct activities and projects to be undertaken within the reserve, over the next ten years. These plans have been developed in consultation with Whadjuk Noongar Traditional Owners and Elders and will replace previous plans for the reserve. Lake Monger is known to the Whadjuk Noongar people as Galup (meaning home fire or location of home). One very significant component of these plans is the proposal to change the name of the reserve from “Lake Monger” to “Galup” as requested by the Whadjuk Noongar Registered Knowledge Holders and Council. The Friends of Galup / Lake Monger supports the name change. The community survey closed on 15 July 2024. The Council received 1,127 responses and some changes were made to the draft plan as a result of the responses. The plan was considered and approved at the August Council meeting. The name change will now be considered by Landgate. The plans are available online, at this web address: www.cambridge.wa.gov.au/About/Corporate-Documents/Major-Plans-Strategies/Galup-Lake-Monger-Management-Plan-2024-2034
2024 Winter Planting In May and June 2024, over two Sunday morning planting sessions, the Friends planted 5000 seedlings (supplied by the Town of Cambridge) in three separate locations around the lake. A big thank you to all the amazing volunteers who contributed to this. We drew on support from within the local community including Churchlands Senior High School and West Leederville Primary School. Your contributions were invaluable. We're hoping the drizzly rain will give the plants a good headstart and let them get established. Well done everyone!
Town of Cambridge Swale Refurbishment During 2023 the Town of Cambridge conducted a project to refurbish the nutrient stripping channels and rehabilitate natural areas on the east side of Lake Monger to improve the quality of stormwater entering the lake. The Friends group contributed to this project. On July 2nd we planted shrubs during one of our regular busy bees. At our August, September and October busy bees we retrieved a large amount of rubbish from the area (including many bottles that were decades old). Information and updates from the Town of Cambridge on the project are here and here. Photo: Friends of Perry Lakes, Town of Cambridge Mayor Gary Mack, Minister for Water Simon McGurk MLA, Member for Churchlands Christine Tonkin MLA, and Friends of Lake Monger (Galup).